Wednesday, September 30, 2009

PB 5K solo run..

Like in many things in life when one has a rhythm or flow going then one can usually take one's performance to the next level. This is what happened during one of my training runs last week. I started off to do my usual 9K to 10K run in the EGL route with a average target pace of between 5:15 and 5:30. I got off the block quite fast (which by the way is not recommended by the experts) and covered the 1st Km in about 4 and a half minutes. I felt very  good and realised that I might be able to sustain a sub 5 minutes per Km pace for a while. I managed to do  that and hit the 5Km mark in 23 minutes 39 seconds - almost a minute faster than my previous best at last year's Urban Stampede which was 24 minutes 34 seconds. This helped me erase the disappointment of a slower finish(25:33)  in this year's Urban Stampede. I eventually did 10K in 49 minutes 30 seconds and 11K in just under 55 minutes - a great tempo run!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Importance of average pace to achieve target time

As I have posted before I am  addicted to my Garmin Forerunner 305 since I started using it 2 years ago and feel quite irritated if  either it runs out of battery charge during a run or worse if I forget to wear it for a run. Of all the different display fields available on the device, right from the beginning, I have been relying on the average pace reading to try and adjust my pace(usually to speed up) to hit the target time. And now as I focus on improving my FM timing  I am completely hooked onto the average pace field on the device.  I have recently changed the display settings on my device to have just 3 fields on one page: Average Pace, Current Pace and distance so that the Average Pace appears in large font size. In my recent training runs I look at this field on the device every few seconds! I put together the following table to keep in perspective the average pace at which I need to run marathons to achieve my target of 3:45 finish to qualify for Boston over the next few years.

Target FM Time
Average Pace
Target time 1st Half
Target time 2nd Half

Topically for me recently published Your Guide to Perfect Pacing recently which has a number of articles by people like Jeff Galloway and Matt Fitzgerald on how to pace one's run to achieve specific time targets. One of them Why you should run negative splits says that one should run 20 to 50% slower than target pace initially. Though this is in line with what books on runnng and experts say, it is  challenging to achieve. Personally I am looking to do a second half that is not too much slower than the first half - just a difference of 5 to 10 minutes. This is not going to be easy . In my only sub 4 hr FM I did the 1st half in about 1:55 and the 2nd half in a little over 2 hours. However, I have started working towards this and the average pace in my daily training runs has gone up. I now classify my training runs by average pace as follows:

Run type
Average Pace(Mins/Km)
Tempo Run
5:05 to 5:15
Fast Run
5:15 to 5:30
Easy Run
5:30 to 5:45
Slow Run
5:45 to 6:15

The above is a shift by about 15 seconds per Km in each band from what I was doing last season. I am hoping to do below 4:05 in Mumbai in Janaury 2010. And between the Bangalore ultra and Mumbai marathon , that is in December 2009, I plan to do at least one progressive run of 30K. That is, the first 10K at easy pace, the second 10K at 10 seconds per Km faster than target pace , that is at 5:38 per Km pace and the last 10K at 5:48 per Km pace.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Indian Long distance running season 2009-10

At the onset of the new Indian running season in August 2009, the thought that came to my mind is how the landscape of distance running has changed(for the better of course) during the last few years. In 2002 when  I started training for my first Full marathon I searched hard to locate an event to participate in. The only one I could find was the Pune International Marathon held in December of every year. It is not that we are spoilt for choice in India today. We lag considerably compared to other countries around the globe in terms of quantity and quality of marathon events eg US has over 400 marathon races a year; even a tiny country like Taiwan with a population of just 23 million people has seven marathons per year.

Nevertheless, long distance runners today have a choice of number of events that they can participate in during the running season spanning between August 2009 and February 2010. The table below lists the events of the 2009-10 running season that I am aware of and have been held at least once before. This list covers events which have at least a 21K distance. All except the Idea Chennai International Half marathon, Airtel Delhi Half marathon and Hyderabad 10K and Half marathon have a full marathon event and of course at the Bangalore ultra marathon one can run longer distances than a marathon. This note is based on personal experience through participation in all except three of these events and feedback from experienced runners on the remaining events. This year I plan to run 50Km at the Bangalore ultra marathon, HM at the Bangalore midnight marathon and FMs at Standard Chartered Mumbai marathon and Auroville marathon.

Hyderabad Full and Half Marathon
30th Aug 2009
Kaveri Trail Marathon
13th Sept 2009
Idea Chennai International Half marathon
27th Sept 2009
Airtel Delhi Half Marathon
1st Nov 2009
Bangalore Ultra Marathon
15th Nov 2009
Hyderabad 10K and Half marathon
22nd Nov 2009
Running and Living marathon
6th Dec 2009
Pune International Marathon
6th Dec 2009
Bangalore Midnight Marathon
12th Dec 2009
Standard Chartered Mumbai marathon
17th Jan 2010
Auroville marathon
14th February 2010

Hyderabad Full and Half Marathon :
The 2nd edition of this event held on 30th August 2009 surpassed the high expectations that the participants had based the extremely positive feedback of the 1st edition in August 2008. Once again it was a runner friendly, point to point to road race with well marked route and amply stocked aid stations. The route took runners through two wonderful campuses: ISB and University of Hyderabad. The runners were taken care of very well with a pre-race pasta dinner, dormitory accommodation at the games village in Gachibowli, bus transport to the starting point and a decent breakfast and medal for finishers. The bonanza was cash prizes for the top 10 amateur finishers. With the feedback from the two editions of the race this event is surely a road race that should be on the calendar of every serious long distance runner in the country.

Kaveri Trail Marathon:
KTM is organised jointly by Runners For Life and Bangalor Hash house Harriers and is the only run in India that is close to 100% trail route. The route is a very scenic 10.5 Km out and back path going all along the Cauvery canal a few Kms from the historic town of Srirangapatnam. Full marathon runners therefore need to do two loops. The uneven terrain compounded by warm weather results in this being a challenging race for even seasoned runners. Though a great race to run in preparation for the Bangalore ultra marathon , its certainly not one to aim for a personal best in! The 2009 edition of this run held on 13th September saw record number of over 700 participants go through the gruelling run.

Idea Chennai International Half Marathon:
This is a 7K and Half marathon event. Chennai has had marathons in Jan/Feb in the past and in 2008 the first edition of this Half marathon was in August. This year’s edition was postponed from August 30th to September 27th. The reports posted on Chennai Runners group about the 2008 edition of the event were not very positive. Even then it is the only organized road race in Chennai and Chennai based runners are expected to participate in large numbers with the hope that the organizers will take better care of the details this year to ensure an event that is friendlier to amateur runners.

Airtel Delhi Half Marathon:
This is a professionally organised road race touted as the world’s richest half marathon. The event is managed by Procam the entity that manages the Stanchart Mumbai marathon and Sunfeast 10K in Bangalore, The HM starts opposite Nehru Park and takes the runners through historic parts of New Delhi such as Janpath, India Gate, Rajghat etc. Feedback from runners who have participated in this event is that this is an enjoyable race though it could get quite warm and large parts of the route does not have shade. This year's event is on 1st November.

Bangalore Ultra Marathon:
The only ultra marathon in India providing an opportunity for runners to test their endurance by running distances beyond the full marathon(42.2K) distance. The 2007 and 2008 editions organised in the Hesarghatta area outside Bangalore, with a mostly trail and part road route, were extremely well received by the participants. In November 2008 runners ran multiple loops of 12.5Km each - running between 2 loops(25Km) and over 8 loops(100Km+). Over 150 runners ran 50Km in 2008. The run course is kept open for 12 hours and the aid stations are well stocked with peanut sandwiches being a big hot among the participants. Definitely a MUST DO event for serious long distance runners in India. In the 2009 edition of the race, scheduled for 15th November 2009,  runners can do a 12.5K distance – this is expected to result in over 500 participants. Have been privileged to have been part of the first two editions this is an event I hope to do every year.

Hyderabad 10K and Half Marathon:
Organised by the Hyderabad 10K Foundation in November this event is growing in popularity and size. With inputs from the growing breed of Hyderabad runners this event is expected to pay attention to details and be friendly for amateur runners. I did this in 2006 and found it quite enjoyable though there should be have been a few more water stations in the route.

Running and Living Marathon :
Organized by Running and Living – another popular and passionate organization promoting running in the country the February 2009 edition was the first one. The overall feedback was very positive as is expected of an event by runners for runners. This year’s event, consisting of a full marathon and a half marathon, is on 6th December. The FM runners will do 3 loops of 14K. Like the 1st edition this year also runners can expect great support from volunteers and well stocked aid stations. Any serious long distance runner living in the North should definitely check this out.

Pune International Marathon:
This is probably the oldest organised marathon event in India– the 1st edition was  in 1983. At least in the early years this race was primarily used as a national marathon championship to rank Indian professional  runners. Therefore the organization was not friendly towards amateur slower runners in terms of traffic control, aid station support etc. Runners were expected to reach the half way point in 1 hour 30 minutes and complete the race in 3 hours. Experience of runners who have participated in this event in the last 6 years suggests that this race is avoidable for amateur runners. I attempted this in December 2002 - my first full marathon event. I had to give up at 33rd Km due to lack of water stations and traffic control. I for one would not recommend this to any amateur runner.

Bangalore Midnight marathon:
This event has so far been held twice : the first one wasMay 2007 and again in Janaury 2009(postponed from December 2008 due to the Mumbai terrorist attacks of November 2008). As the only non-morning race in India this event is unique. Since most of us run in the mornings during our training runs running at night specially starting at midnight is a tremendous challenge. Due to the event being held at night and being a route with multiple loops traffic control and aid station support has been reasonable compared to the other Full marathon road race held in Bangalore a couple of times. The 2nd edition of the event was a definite improvement from the first one. The most popular part of this event is the 7K IT-city run which usually has several thousand participants. The Half marathon also has a large number of participants. The 2007 edition of the event in which I ran the FM had less than 80 FM runners. The 3rd edition is scheduled for 12th December as per the website. However, this event has been prone to last minute date changes in the past.

Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon:
By far the biggest and best organised road marathon in India it has been growing in popularity since the 1st edition in 2004. The race date is now fixed for the 3rd Sunday of January every year. This road race that starts from VT station and goes along the Marine drive in South Mumbai also sees the city of Mumbai coming out in huge numbers to cheer and support the participants. In terms of spectator support this event is akin to the large marathons in Europe and USA. No wonder that this attracts runners from all over India with over 50 runners from Bangalore going over to do the FM last year  despite the challenge of a warmer and more humid weather. Another sign of this event’s popularity is that registration starts over 6 months in advance and gets sold out within a few weeks. This year the registrations opened in mid July and by August end both HM and FM registrations were closed Runners who are unable to register in time often get disappointed to be turned away. I have participated in every edition of this event and have seen it grow in size and quality. I hope to participate in this one for years to come.

Auroville Marathon:
This is definitely the most scenic marathon in the country organised very passionately by volunteers within Auroville. The 2nd edition held in February 2009 was mostly trail and consisted of 2 loops of 21.1Km. Both the editions of this race have received such an overwhelming positive feedback that many runners have added this to their annual race calendar and are already looking forward to the 2010 event on February 14th. The magnificent beauty of the course and the wonderful hospitality of the Aurovillans certainly makes this a must do event.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Momentum lost..and regained

The flu that hit me around the Urban Stampede event had a major impact on my running momentum. For the first time in a long time I did just one run (of 6.5Km) in a space of 8 days between 23rd and 30th August. I cannot recollect the last time this happened in the last 5 years. As with any addiction when one is forced to stay away from the object of addiction there are side-effects not often very pleasant. In my case it was general depression, lack of motivation and considerable reduction in irritation threshold making life miserable for those around me. Though I have gone through such patches before, albeit, shorter ones and have always come out and regained my running form fairly quickly nevertheless during this period I kept having self-doubt. The feeling of misery was compounded by the fact that I was forced to give the Hyderabad marathon a miss and had also decided not to run KTM on 13th September. Maybe I had got so used to focusing on the goal of completing a marathon every month that once the goal went away there was a feeling of emptiness and lack of focus to achieve anything in any sphere.
Here are a few articles that talk about running and addiction:

Over the edge exercise addiction

Exercise addiction - When more Is less

The Running Addiction - this article talks about the five criteria for addiction and a long distance runner will typcially meet all five!

Mercifully, this phase did not last too long.

I was able to run 3 days during the week of 31st August including a 16K at an average pace of 5:33/Km and the momentum was completely back the week of 7th September. I ran a total of 41Km including a 22Km solo run in 2 hours on 12th September. I was quite pleased with this run as I had to dodge puddles and muck as well as stray dogs on the route and was still able to maintain decent pace. Besides I was able to do this without drinking any water during the 22K run. Had I carried water I should have been able to run faster. With this my momentum in running is back and so is my focus on other things – I am hoping to continue doing 40K+ weeks till the ultra on 15th November with a couple of weeks of 50K+ in October.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hyderabad Marathon 2009

The 2nd edition of Hyderabad Half and Full marathon held on 30th August 2009 seems to have lived upto the high expectations and was a smashing success. Of course, with passionate and experienced runners like Rajesh Vetcha spearheading the organization this was not surprising. It looks like this event will now be the one to mark the beginning of the distance running season in India. Unfortunately, I missed it this year due to bein down with flu the week prior to the event. However, I definitely hope to run it next year. Runners from Bangalore did very well in the race with AKS finishing first among amateurs with timing of 3:32 and Deepak Mhasvade following suit with his personal best of 3:43. Manoj Bhat also did his personal best in 3:51 narrowly missing the 3rd position. Click here for the full results of the event.

Unfortunately, I missed the event this year due to being down with flu the week prior to the event. However, I definitely plan to run it next year and am hoping to do my first sub-4 finish in India in that event.

Following are email comments from a couple fo participants in this year's race:
Mail from ANS – a Bangalore based runner who came 1st in the full marathon among amateur runners:
Thanks everyone for a wonderful weekend.It doesn't get better than this..To the organisers for staging an event that was remarkable in many ways:
- great course with never a dull moment
- rollicking initial stretch in cool weather, barren stretches under harsh sun, some cool campuses, a university maze that didn't seem to have an exit and a grand finish in an international stadium. - course well marked with freshly painted arrows almost every 10m (curious to know how this was done. It would have taken an awful lot of effort to manually paint more than 4000 arrows for the FM course)
- well stacked aid stations every 2km with km marker and additional km markers where it is most needed - towards the end.
- greeting finishers with medal and certificate immediately on finishing.- to Ganesh in particular for the great hospitality and making outstation runners like us feel 'elite'.
- finally for recognizing the growing category of fun runners and surprising us with prizes

Mail from Rishikesh – a Bangalore based runner who co-ordinated accommodation at Hyderabad for a number of Bangalore runners

We will like to thank you for hosting us with so much of personal touch. We had an absolutely rocking weekend in Hyderabad. That was possible due to the fact that we didn't have to bother about our stay and most of the commute. The dorm was very comfortable and we were at home.The bus which took us to KBR park for the start gave us the feel of international atheletes. The route was beautiful and the aid station and volunteers were great. The finish line was well managed where every finisher was made to feel like a winner with a 100 mt dash on the Olympic style track amongst cheer from the crowd and medal with Camera and Video time for each.

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  It was with great relief, joy and gratitude that I crossed the finish line at Mumbai on 19th January 2025 for the 20th consecutive year. R...